Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Joomla can get better by having CB Pro Community Search

It can be a difficult task if you don’t have the correct tool in place for building a website. People using static web pages will encounter quite a bit of problems when the content increases as it is not so easy to update nor are there any search functionalities in place. Navigation of static websites is a tedious process and one has to frequently implement buttons to make this possible. The renowned Joomla Content Management System (CMS) removes such issues and is the reason why many are using it.

Other CMS system competitors include Wordpress and Drupal but Joomla outshines them because it serves all types of users which consist of designers, developers and end users. Joomla’s strength comes from its ability to work and because it is freeware it is really favored by the public. All software has it flaws and Joomla is no different but it’s nice to know that they are aware of this. They are always striving to better their product with new releases and it shows. Joomla network is huge and has a good support structure that aids one to get past the many problems.

Users within the Joomla world are always on the lookout for a community builder extension that will make their working environment more efficient. There are many community builder plugins that are available from the Community Builder teams or third party companies that makes this possible. The Community Builder (CB) suite accommodates more functionality that consists of ameliorated galleries, profiles, walls, blogs, image uploads and workflows. For a more comprehensive list you can always visit Joomla’s website.


Regrettably if you view the forums you can make out that Joomla users are fighting to make extensions operable and you have take it through a process of correction before it functions and in certain situations it is not successful. In some instances it all efforts are not successful. Irritations result from many problems that consist of users being thrown out of editing, titles not being reflected in fields, concealment of characters and issues regarding code changes are just a few taken from the long problem list.

Joomla supporters will be pleased to hear about the Community Builder Advanced Search (cb advanced search) that extends the CMS system by enhancing it with a much needed function. Community builder search provides the ideal front end search within the interface and can be tweaked to perform automatic searches. Read more about community builder search.